Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Softies for Mirabel

I came across this fantastic cause too late last year to join in but thankfully paid a little visit to Melinda from Moose & Bird's Blog yesterday where I read that it's on again.  So, if you love to make cute soft toys (or like me, love the IDEA of making cute soft toys but has never actually finished a soft toy project that may have been started) then this is the perfect opportunity to get your creative juices flowing.  The toys will be given to children who are involved with the Mirabel foundation which is a truly beautiful group who help kids who have been orphaned or abandoned by parents with drug addictions.  The softies for Mirabel was started by Pip from Meet Me at Mikes

Click here for more details on this fabulous cause and find out how to help

Click here to read some heartwarming and heartbreaking stories of the kids helped by Mirabel

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Coming out of hybernation

That's where I'm at right now.  I don't know why but I just don't cope well with winter.  Even up here in Sunny Queensland where the winter days are usually beautiful and sunny, the nights are freezing where I live and it's at night when I do most of my computer stuff..when the kiddies are fast asleep.  And I just generally feel like crap during Winter.  I've often though how cool it would be to be able to hybernate and just miss the whole thing!

So anyway this is just a super quick post to get me back into the swing of things.  Here's a couple of my latest creations

Ok, promise I'll be back before Christmas haha xox